by mgilvey | Jan 14, 2013 | New Jewelry
My wife has been busy through the winter preparing for our Spring craft shows with new offerings of sea glass jewelry and wire-wrapped jewelry. Today however, I wanted to show you something else she has been working on; bezel pendants.
It started when Marie Antoinette was commissioned to make a new necklace. The customer wanted a necklace made from grey freshwater pearls but when it was completed, there were still many beads leftover. Marie Antoinette gathered them up and placed them into a bezel pendant. Our client loved it so Marie decided to make a few more with other types of semi-precious stones.
Below are three that she just finished, they’re so new that they’re not even for sale yet. Click any image for an enlargement.

by mgilvey | Dec 21, 2012 | New Jewelry
It’s coming! At long last Marie Antoinette is going to start making sea glass jewelry. She, my son and I have been picking it up off a stone beach in Corsica for many years; building up quite a collection. Marie Antoinette has just started working the art of wire wrapping and once combined with the sea glass; well, each piece will surely be unique and a one-of-a-kind
piece of artisan jewelry. Each piece of sea glass is unique. I’m really looking forward to what she comes up with. Below are a couple of photos I took of a necklace she just completed.
Click any image for an enlargement.

by mgilvey | Nov 4, 2012 | Craft Shows

Marie Antoinette stands behind her instant work station where she demonstrates how she make her bead jewelrOn Saturday, November 3rd, we were very lucky to get into the Brooke Point High School Dance Team Craft Show. We literally walked in the day of the show and filled out an application at the door; boy were we lucky to get in. This was a great craft show and there was a lot of traffic throughout the day.
We had a spot that appeared to us to be in the farthest corner in the back behind everything but it was anything but that! I think we had just as much traffic come by as anyone else did.
A couple of customers just loved Marie Antoinette’s semi-precious stone bead necklaces but wanted to know if their selection could be altered a little; no problem! Marie Antoinette made a couple of changes and each of the customers necklaces and they were happy as can be. We always offer the option of making a piece of jewelry longer or shorter or if within reason, other alterations that make each piece a one of a kind treasure.
The Brooke Point High School Dance Team Craft Show was a great event and we’ve already reserved our space for next year.

by mgilvey | Oct 12, 2012 | New Jewelry, Wedding Jewelry

We were very fortunate to be contacted in August by a local resident who was going to get married in October. She was looking for something really special that used fresh water pearls and wire (click photos for enlargement). We met with the customer at our home where we could show her the collection of beads Marie Antoinette had in stock and to discuss the design and quantity the customer wanted.
customer wanted two sets (fresh water pearl earrings and necklace), one for her to wear and one for her made of honor. Together, the two of them reviewed some ideas and put together a list of supplies needed. Each of them looked for the right beads and after a bunch of e-mails and a few weeks they got together again at our house to discuss their findings.
Time was beginning to run out but once we had all the supplies, Marie Antoinette went to work on the sets, showing the client periodic process on the first one so she could go “full-steam ahead” on the second. Since this client was in our area, she could come and see the work in person and I think that meant a lot to her.
Designing custom wedding jewelry is a joint process. As a graphic designer myself, I watched as the two of them craft their ideas together to create a beautiful piece of jewelry. This isn’t to say that two heads are better than one but having the customer involved was an important step in the process. The process took two months to complete but the customer was very happy with the jewelry. I think it’s important for the customer to get involved because it gives them ownership that they might not otherwise have and more importantly, a true one of a kind piece of art can be made that will be cherished forever.

by mgilvey | Jul 23, 2012 | New Jewelry, Random Thoughts, Uncategorized
I thought I would write about a recent necklace my wife made but it’s more to it than just that—it’s also the story of a relationship between CorseCrafts and a new client and how together we all took ownership of the creation of something beautiful. Throughout the article you will see photos, click to see an enlargement.
It started in the middle of May; we received a phone call from a pleasant sounding lady who had a grey freshwater pearl necklace that someone else had made and it had come apart. This wasn’t the first time it had come apart either. After the first time, she had it restrung in a way that made some of the beads look like they were floating; illusion-like and she really had a passion for this affect. So, the necklace came apart again and she needed some help with it so I told Marie Antoinette about the voice-mail that the lady, who I will refer to as Mrs. H, left and Marie said she would be happy to help her.
You might think that it’s just an easy fix to put the beads back on the necklace but we really had no idea what Mrs. H had to work with. As it turns out, she wanted to remove all the beads and restring it so I wrote her back and told her we were interested and she sent me some photos she had along with a sketch of what she wanted the final piece to look like.
After reviewing the photographs, we decided it would be a good project to work on. We gave Mrs. H a rough estimate but it really depended on the condition of the necklace and its parts. Mrs. H sent us all the pieces and Marie Antoinette began to review everything more closely. All the beads were glued to the wire which was brittle. Some of the beads
came off easily and others were not going to budge.
We looked at the first sketch that was sent to us but had some concern with there being enough usable beads to construct it—then she sent us a second sketch which was a bit more complex, had even more beads on it but it did make the piece start to come to more of a “fuller looking” design but we were still concerned with having enough beads because they were so difficult to remove. Mrs. H mentioned that she had some white freshwater pearls on an older necklace that we could add to it and mailed them to us as well.
Mrs. H was completely open to whatever ideas Marie Antoinette had and understood that the estimate could change based on all of the different ideas “we” came up with. I say “we” because this was really a joint project between Marie Antoinette, myself and Mrs. H. I wanted to see this necklace come back to life based on the ideas the two of them had trying to keep the main design looking like what Mrs. H wanted but also keeping her aware that the ideas they came up with could vary the final price but I thought it would be worth it.
Marie Antoinette had a very difficult time with removing the beads from the wire. Some of them just would not budge. Luckily she was able to remove most all of them but there were still a few left over. The photo below shows a nice little bowl of all the usable beads that came off the wire.

We received the white freshwater pearls and Marie Antoinette made a sketch of her own that added one more strand to the design using up all the white and most of the grey fresh water pearls. Marie Antoinette began to lay out the beads on a board. This was an important step because we had several discussions with Mrs. H at this point and it was time to show the life that was developing in her “new” custom necklace.
My background is in professional photography. I didn’t want to send Mrs. H a camera phone photo of her custom necklace that was being made for her. I think she deserved better than that. I took a photo directly over top the bead board which I color balanced and sharpened before sending it to her. This was turning out to be a magnificent necklace and it’s creation needed to be documented with care. A photo taken with a mobile phone can only give someone an “idea” of what is happening, a true photograph makes it alive to them.
Mrs. H liked what she was seeing. I told her what a difficult time Marie Antoinette was having with some of the beads and that there would probably be some left over. This opened a door of opportunity to make something else from the remaining beads.
With Mrs. H’s approval, Marie Antoinette began to string the beads into place but not permanently. She just wanted to get them to a final stage before “tying the knot” so to speak.
“This necklace is amazing! Yes, yes, please finish it up! I can’t wait to get it back!”
And so Marie Antoinette finished the necklace and I photographed it. Below are photos I took of the final completed necklace. Click for an enlargment.

So here it is, the middle of July, two months later and the necklace is finished. I’m really proud of the work that Marie Antoinette did and the relationship we built with Mrs. H throughout the construction process. She didn’t just give us something that was broken and ask us to simply fix it; she opened up to the possibility that it could become something better. Mrs. H had a hand in it’s design when she gave us sketches of what she would like to have; this gave her part ownership in it’s creation.
I only wish Marie Antoinette could have been with me the day I hand delivered the necklace to Mrs. H. I think the photo tells it all.
To sum it all up, CorseCrafts was able to bring a broken valuable to life with a new look; working with the client in a professional manner we were able to create a new piece, at a price the client expected but was comfortable with but more than that, a new relationship was forged as well.

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