Marie Antoinette receives a certificate of participation
We had been watching the weather reports all week and it was looking like it was going to rain all weekend. In fact, a we drove down to Fredericksburg, there was a very heavy downpour along I-95 that really “dampened” our spirits but we went anyway. Luckily it turned into just light misting as we got closer to the Fredericksburg Fairgounds. We planned well to have a booth inside one of the buildings which was a good thing because while we were setting up, there were several more heavy bursts of rain coming down.
The gates opened at 9:30 AM for the 11th Annual Childeren’s Miracle Network Fund Raiser and 6th Annual Craft Fair. Although it was still overcast, people trickled in slowly throughout the day to pass through the craft fair, see live entertainment including Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash and other musicians. Kids could play games, go to the petting zoo or ride horses. The car show was a bit rained out as I am sure that car owners were not ready to chance the weather but like my son says “Never trust the weather man”. They probably could have made an appearance, in fact a handful did. There were even a couple of classic fire trucks on hand and one that would give rides around the grounds.
Marie Antoinette was running her $5 off special for any bead jewelery item over $25 again this weekend but the rain seemed to keep a lot of people away from shopping with many of the crafters and entrepreneurs inside the craft fair building which was a shame because it really wasn’t that bad outside. Alas, I hope that the show coordinator raised a lot of funds to help the kids.
Would you do this event again? “Certainly, I can see this being a very well attended event, especially if the weather is nice. I was very proud to participate in this cause.” said Marie Antoinette Gilvey.
Our next show will again be in Fredericksburg at the Optimist Club, in the parking lot on Saturday, May 21st.
Author: mgilvey
Mark Gilvey is husband to Marie Antoinette and takes care of the website, advertising, and helps out at craft shows. He speicaizes in commercial photography, branding, and web design/SEO. As owner of Mark Gilvey Creative, his goal is to help clients find creative visual solutions to improve their public image in print and online. Mark also has a website where his personal fine art photography can be seen.
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