Marie Gilvey makes a new bead necklace design during a light moment.
I guess you could say it was a day designed for an optimist; the Optimist Club of Fredericksburg! Donna Aker organized the First Optimist Vendor Fair and thank goodness because with all the rain we had been having during the week I was pretty pessimistic about the weekend but Donna and her optimists made it all right. Ok, enough of the corny jokes but seriously, it was a great day for an event like this.
The event took place at the Rosner YMCA in Spotsylvania, Virginia in a parking lot that was close to several baseball fields and an incoming road of traffic. I thought it was a great location because it was an easy walk for baseball moms and passers by on their way to the farther fields could be tempted as well. The event drew a light but consistent flow of shoppers.
Donna Aker said “the funds raised will go toward youth programs of the city of Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania and Stafford Counties.” Marie Antoinette and I were happy to attend and we thought that it was a great success for their very first event. “I think I will have to get my application in very early for next year because I am sure, many more vendors will want to participate but it was fun being a plank-holder this year” said Marie Antoinette.
We are looking for a few more craft shows to participate at over the summer months but for now, new bead jewelry can be found on our web site and in our Etsy store. See you soon.
Author: mgilvey
Mark Gilvey is husband to Marie Antoinette and takes care of the website, advertising, and helps out at craft shows. He speicaizes in commercial photography, branding, and web design/SEO. As owner of Mark Gilvey Creative, his goal is to help clients find creative visual solutions to improve their public image in print and online. Mark also has a website where his personal fine art photography can be seen.
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